Kinga Galambos
Gergo Elekes
Jozsef Gallai (Screenplay), Gergo Elekes, Kinga Galambos, and Kitti Galambos
4 Mins.
"Blue Dream" Weaves Together Style and Substance
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As you begin watching Blue Dream, especially if you are an American, you may not fully realize that you are watching life, a beautifully presented life, unfold.
Filmed on a stunningly low production budget, Blue Dream tells the story of a swimmer, Kinga Galambos, who has had to face childhood cancer with the help of her only way out - the swimming pool.
As directed by Hungarian filmmaker Gergo Elekes, Blue Dream is a poetic film that captures innocence and wonder and pain and loss and uncertainty and so much more. It is both stark in its reality and meditative in the way that Elekes creates sound and imagery that allows the film to wash over you immersing you in its purifying and enveloping ways.
Galambos herself is in the film, a fact you may not realize if you are unfamiliar with her, but it's a fact that adds another layer of poignancy and beauty to a film already bathing in it. The music, created by Elekes, is hypnotic in the way that it companions the film's imagery yet exists on a plane of its own.
The film's lensing, from Elekes and Jozsef Gallai, is both a visual essay and performance art all in one.
At a mere four minutes in length, Blue Dream doesn't squander its time with unnecessary words or images but, instead, presents itself like that first rush of energy one feels when diving into the pool both breathless and free.
For more information on Blue Dream, visit the film's Facebook page.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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