Elias, Aviram and Oz
Inbar Horesh
40 Mins.
Short Film "Crossing" Screening at 2016 Indy Film Festival
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I wasn't particularly surprised that when I announced to my peers that Inbar Horesh's 40-minute short film Crossing was one of my favorite amongst the short films at this year's Indy Film Fest that I was met with skepticism and outright rejection.
So be it.
It's not for everyone, but Crossing is a tremendously effective and meaningful short film about three queens, Elias, Aviram, and Oz, who perform together as a trio of Jerusalemite drag queens in underground queer parties called "Jerusalem is Burning." The three perform portraying their own mothers, in the process revealing the various facets of their lives in what Horesh refers to as a "political-comic documentary" exposing the tensions between drag performance and real life. Unfortunately, Oz has decided to leave the country and, as such, the trio's final show is coming up.
Screening as part of the A Friend Indeed collection of shorts at Indy Film Fest, Crossing is an occasionally confusing short film that is still never less than an involving and emotionally honest short that is screening in competition amongst the festival's documentary shorts.
Crossing is screening on July 17th at 11am at DeBoest Lecture Hall and on July 18th at 4pm also in DeBoest. If you get a chance, you should definitely check it out.
Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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