It might be the minister in me, but I'm always up for Easter-themed horror. That's what I get from Diane Foster's Gravitas Ventures release Easter Bloody Easter, a horror-comedy that toys with Easter mythology while having such an "aw shucks" mentality to it that you practically feel like you've stumbled across a Del Shores film. Easter Bloody Easter is set in the small Texas town of Walburg where a series of violent bloody murders has set the locals on edge just in time for the town's big "Easter-palooza" celebration.
Despite the risks, Mayor Lou (Adam Slemon) refuses to cancel festivities. Jeanie (director Diane Foster) has awakened to discover her husband Lance (D'Andre Noire) missing with only his fur-covered wrecked car to be found. Sam (Zachary Kanner), the conspiracy theorist every small town knows and loves, leans toward the town's historic Jackalope massacre from 150 years ago to explain things much to the horror of Jeanie and her BFF Carol (Kelly Grant).
Toss in a professional bunny slayer (Zuri Starks) and festival chair Marylou (Allison Lobel) and you have the makings for an occasionally inspired, occasionally frustrating, and always unique cinematic experience complete with bunnies, horror, more bunnies, more horror, a few laughs, songs, really songs, and a film that may not completely satisfy but seldom is ever boring.
Indeed, Easter Bloody Easter never quite lives up to the outlandishness of its promise but it never truly disappoints.
The film is the intended first in the franchise. Lord knows it's more watchable than Hop and has some genuine sing-along moments that you'll either surrender yourself to or find yourself laughing.
Easter Bloody Easter was awarded the ReFrame Stamp, an initiative from Women in Film, The Sundance Institute, and IMDB, recognizing the project's gender parity (over 95% of the film's team is female-identifying). There are over 75 pieces of original music in the film and 10 full songs. Award-winning composer Mark Vogel captures a spirited rhythm for the film and the film's production company, WallyBird Productions, will also be releasing five music videos from the film's songs. You can already pick up the film's soundtrack on Spotify and as a collector's vinyl record.
Easter Bloody Easter is an unusual beast of a film, a mishmash of sorts that in its best moments brings to mind the campy wonder of Rocky Horror Picture Show with killer bunnies. While I can't honestly say the film actually worked for me, I have to acknowledge that Rocky Horror needed more bunnies.
Allison Lobel, in particular, is a joy to watch here. Lobel, who wrote the screenplay, is a full-on work of art here as a faithful church lady you love to hate. Foster, largely the lead here, has real moments to shine as does Kelly Grant. The music itself is inspired and may very well be a good reason to watch the film twice.
Headed for a streaming release on March 26th, just in time for Easter weekend, Easter Bloody Easter may not have been everything I wanted it to be but for those who need a badass bunny fix for the Easter weekend it's still worth checking out.
Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic