Mason Heidger, Callie Bussell
Jeff Kapp
13 Mins.
"Ever After" an Effective Dramatic Short Film
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Recently released to Youtube, writer/director Jeff Kapp's 13-minute short film Ever After tells the story of Jacob (Mason Heidger), a seemingly good guy with past regrets that he hopes to make amends for before he enters the world of fatherhood. Much of this seems to center around one Sara (Callie Bussell), a former girlfriend whose girl-next-door aura amplifies his transgressions even as the two share an easy, relatable chemistry that helps quite a bit to sell this familiar yet engaging film.
Ever After is an obviously low-budget effort. This isn't intended as a criticism so much as it is a caution that the usual low-budget production issues are present here ranging from occasionally grainy lensing to a sound mix that at times mutes the story's dramatic impact.
Yet, the film's co-leading performances are both convincing. Callie Bussell gives all the right vulnerability and wariness to Sara, who seems determined not to give Jacob too much of her emotional investment yet who also can't deny she maintains a sense of caring for the guy. Heidger leaves an impact in a difficult role, essentially portraying Jacob earnestly and honestly despite a certain inherent self-absorption that really only reinforces the past.
Recently nominated within the Indie Short Fest's February competition for "Best Acting Duo," Bussell and Heidger are easily the two best reasons to sit down and watch this film.
A Michigan made short film from Vigilant Entertainment, Ever After is available on Youtube and easily worth your time.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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