Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight, Paul Freeman
Courtney Solomon, Yaron Levy
Gregg Maxwell Parker, Sean Finegan
Rated PG-13
90 Mins.
Warner Brothers
"Getaway" Needs to Go Away
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If you didn't laugh when Warner Brothers' advertising geniuses labeled co-star Selena Gomez a "music sensation," then you'll most assuredly laugh while watching the way out of her element popster struggling to convey even a single convincing emotion in this throwaway action flick starring Ethan Hawke as a burned out race car driver "racing" against time to save his wife.
With nothing going for it other than a few modestly interesting car chase scenes, and even they get old really fast, Getaway looks set to be taken away from the American box-office in rather speedy fashion.
While there's no way this was ever going to be anything but a run-of-the-mill action flick, at least Ethan Hawke gives it his all despite being saddled with a co-star who manages to make Mila Kunis's turn in Book of Eli look like an award winner.
Filmed in Bulgaria, and there is something to be said for boosting that Bulgarian economy, Getaway starts off reasonably well with Hawke oozing a weary vibe as Brent Magna that makes you wonder if this may end up being a bit of a pleasant surprise. When his wife (Rebecca Budig) gets kidnapped, Magna is tasked with following orders which essentially means he's tasked with getting his hands on one kick-ass Shelby Mustang all decked out with cameras that, I'm guessing, are supposed to afford we the audience members with awesome opportunities for up close personal views of car chases galore.
Then, Magna comes across "The Kid," a spoiled yet brilliant techno-brat played more like spoiled milk by Gomez. Suddenly, he's got a driving companion and the film itself comes to a screeching, and I stress "screeching," halt. Director Courtney Solomon has previously given us the far more stylish yet equally substantial (that's an insult, ya know?) An American Haunting, and he's about as out of his element here as is Gomez.
Let's just I'm not a belieber, mmm'kay?
Co-penned by Sean Finegan and Gregg Maxwell Parker, Getaway lacks the wit, spark or bite that would have made it a more compelling film and even the lensing fails to capitalize on the natural beauty of Bulgaria's capital city of Sofia.
Isn't it a really sucky week at the box-office when equally nauseating popsters One Direction has the top film in wide release?
Do yourself a favor. Get away.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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