Haley Bennett, Chace Crawford, Jake Weber
Mickey Liddell
John Travis, Rebecca Sonnenshine
Rated PG-13
87 Mins.
"The Haunting of Molly Hartley" Review
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How bad is "The Haunting of Molly Hartley?"
It's SOOOOOOO bad that it's the worst film yet from Freestyle Releasing, the same increasingly inept outfit that gave the world Uwe Boll's dreadful "In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale."
I kid you not. It's that bad.
"The Haunting of Molly Hartley" actually plays worse than "The Covenant," another pseudo creepy, "I'm about to turn 18 and wreak havoc upon the world" type of film. In this film, virtually no stereotype goes unturned:
1. Molly (Haley Bennett) is about to turn 18. She's a pretty girl at a private school with a dark secret (No, really).
2. Her seemingly possessed momma (Marin Hinkle) is locked up in an institution for trying to go after Molly with sewing shears (GASP!).
3. Her dad (Jake Weber) is equally mysterious.
4. Her best friend (Shanna Collins) is a Christian.
Sigh. I don't have the heart to go on. I'm bored even writing this review.
NOTHING works about this film. Nothing. I repeat, nothing. All you need to know is that the "suspense" is simply "What's going to happen when Molly turns 18?" and "What do we do about it?"
Suspenseful, eh?
The performances vacillate between bland and wooden, the script is laughably silly and the tech credits aren't much beyond functional.
While there's nothing particularly haunting about "The Haunting of Molly Hartley," I'm guessing this film will haunt Haley Bennett's potential acting career for years to come.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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