The Rimpakone family, Fran Austin
Seng Rimpakone, Melissa Taylor
17 Mins.
"Just One Story" Has World Premiere at Heartland Film Fest
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In 1980, anti-immigration sentiments toward Southeast Asians were at an all-time high in the United States. In that same year, Laotian Moang Rimpakone arrived with her three children in the U.S. with her three children and was plopped down into the small town of Portland, Indiana, the county seat in Jay County, Indiana with a population just over 6,000.
Co-directed by Seng Rimpakone and Melissa Taylor, Just One Story is the story of the Rimpakone's move to Portland, their adjustment to American life and their gratitude for a small town that embraced them with open arms at a time when such an embrace wasn't all that familiar for many immigrants from Southeast Asia. The film, part of the Indiana Spotlight Program Shorts 1, is having its world premiere at the 2017 Heartland Film Festival where it's open-hearted, feel good message will likely receive a warm reception from Heartland audiences.
While Just One Story is occasionally hindered by modest sound mix issues and a couple noticeable tracking concerns, the film is just starting its festival run and should easily work out the kinks and find a spot on the indie short doc programs within the indie/micro fest circuit.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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