Directed by
Andrew Ruhemann, Shaun Tan
Written by
Shaun Tan
Vocal Work by
Tim Minchin
Running Time
"The Lost Thing" Review
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A boy (Tim Minchin) discovers an extraordinary creature while out collecting bottle tops. Realizing that the creature is lost, the boy sets out to find out who owns it or where it belongs only to be met by indifference and apathy. While everyone around him can't seem to make time to disrupt their day for this creature, the boy seemingly empathizes and commits to discovering a place for the creature to belong.
Based upon a highly acclaimed picture book by writer and co-director Shaun Tan, The Lost Thing wins the "quirky" award among the 2011 nominees for the Best Animated Short in the 2010 Academy Awards. While The Gruffalo is likely the prohibitive fave for the 2010 Oscar, The Lost Thing has been wildly popular on the film fest circuit and has picked up a slew of awards along the way from festivals as diverse as the Chicago International Children's Film Festival to Austin and AFI among quite a few others.
An Australian made film, The Lost Thing was modeled, rigged, animated, lit and rendered Softimage XSI 6.5 and composited in Nuke. Tim Minchin's narration is spot-on perfect, a blend of strange sweetness that has a sort of lilting quality about it that at times makes the film have a poetry like quality to it. Composer Michael Yezerski's original score lends the film the perfect audio atmosphere to complement its unique yet memorable aesthetic.
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