Corinne masiero, Stéphane Ropa
Jonathan Degrelle
"Orphyr" a Pleasing Folk Tale
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Inspired by the universe of Tim Burton and the world of Disney, French writer/director Jonathan Degrelle has crafted Orphyr, a winning short folk tale about a drunk named Orphyr (Stéphane Ropa) , a good man despite his drunken ways. When Orphy is tossed out of his apartment by his landlady, he still takes kindly to a hungry little girl he encounters and gives her what little money he had left.
This generosity doesn't go unnoticed.
The girl is actually a magical woman known as the "Green Lady" and she instantly grants him a donkey that poops gold.
No, really.
Unfortunately for Orphyr, he's far too trusting and kind and the donkey is soon stolen by the landlady and her husband. Of course, as is so often true in these types of tales, goodness will eventually win and there will be adventures and lessons along the way.
The story itself is inspired by a centuries old French folk tale and Degrelle has done well in creating a film that captures the historical nature of the story while also capitalizing on the availability of modern technology. Ropa is a delight as Orphyr, embodying a man who sees goodness everywhere he looks and whose words and deeds always seem to reflect his kindness and generosity toward others.
Eric Alirol's lensing is pristine and almost fantasy like, while Sebastian Renault's original music is, indeed, the kind of original music that one would hear in any number of Disney's delightful fairytales.
Coming in at right about 16 minutes, Orphyr is a short and simple tale that one can easily see growing into a full-length tale about a delightful man and the power of goodness. With his cinematic debut, Degrelle has crafted an escapist tale filled with heart and wonder with a feeling that stays with you long after the closing credits have rolled.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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