Anthony Quinlan, Carole Bardsley, Rachael Skerritt, Phil Gwilliam
Mike Clarke
"Paper and Plastic" a Short Film out of Liverpool
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Paper and Plastic, the latest short film from writer/director Mike Clarke (A Hand to Play), is an intelligent and emotionally honest film about a successful businessman (Anthony Quinlan) who returns to his hometown after years away to attend his father's funeral.
There's a terrific chemistry within the film, a likely result of the key players having worked together previously. Director Mike Clarke and actor Phil Gwilliam worked together on Clarke's acclaimed A Hand to Play, while Quinlan and Gwilliam worked together on the feature film Gridiron UK.
While the central idea behind Paper and Plastic isn't a particularly original one, Clarke takes the 20-minute short into places that feel authentic and his cast works together to bring the story out in a way that feels honest and natural. As the central character, Quinlan convinces with a performance that is simultaneously vulnerable and emotionally resonant.
Paper and Plastic is just getting started on its festival run with its most likely prospects being among the indie/microfest circuit as part of block of family drama shorts. The film serves as solid notice of Clarke's willingness to tackle a variety of projects and it will be interesting to see where the up-and-coming writer/director goes from here.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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