Alberto Jorrin, Heidi Wolff, James Camblin
Hassan Said
Lourdes Figueroa, Hassan Said
9 Mins.
"Sal Y Limon" the Latest Film From Hassan Said
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Award-winning Egyptian born filmmaker Hassan Said is back with his latest short film, the 9-minute Spanish language Sal y Limón, a unique and thoughtful film about an aging man (voiced by Alberto Jorrin) reflecting years later via audio recorder to his now divorced wife (Heidi Wolff) about their nostalgic marriage.
Sal y Limón is a wee bit of a jarring film, Jorrin's vocal work quietly effective and sounding like, indeed, it really does come through an audio recorder as he waxes emotionally and eloquently about his past. There is a certain poetry when he states "You smell of salt and lemon skin," words that are both tender and gently reflective in the way that they are delivered.
Sal y Limón was shot in one day and in one location, a not particularly rare thing within the realm of indie shorts yet a bit surprising when you watch the film and see the ways in which Said presents sights and sounds from past and present. It is a film that feels like it travels a journey, yet in reality it doesn't.
The film is beautifully penned by Said and Lourdes Figueroa, with Paolo Trulin's lensing practically being a character all its own. Yuval Ron's original music companions the film to perfection, while Greg Whitlow's editing is essential in the film's intellectual and emotional satisfaction.
Sal y Limón was only recently completed and is beginning its festival run. With its weaving together of little glimpses inside the human experience and unique presentation, I look for the film to resonate with indie/underground fest audiences.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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