Jussie Smollett, Anthony Burrell, Blake Young-Fountain, Shanika Warren-Markland
Patrik-Ian Polk
103 Mins.
QC Cinema
Deleted Scenes; Director's Commentary; Behind-the-Scenes footage; Photo Gallery; More!
"The Skinny" Picked Up by QC Cinema for Home Video Release
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Picked up by QC Cinema, the LGBT distribution arm of Breaking Glass Pictures, Patrik-Ian Polk's The Skinny is the story of four young black gay men and their lesbian friend who decide to get together in New York City one year after their graduation from Brown University. What is meant as a time of fun and frolic becomes quite a bit more as old tensions surface and the group has to deal with issues ranging from drugs, drinking, deceit and old desires.
The Skinny is one of those films that works as both intelligent and entertaining cinema, with Polk assembling a fine cast able to sell the film's laughs and a not subtle message about safe sex that works its way into the fabric of the film. Admittedly, the film's impact begins to cool as the film moves on with our quartet becoming involved in increasingly over-the-top situations, but Polk does a nice job of keeping everything afloat and the cast certainly seems to have some fun with the material.
Jussie Smollett, in particular, shines as Magnus. Magnus is coupled with Dustin Ross's Ryan, though the two have been platonic for their first five months in some weird belief about reaching a safe zone for unprotected sex. The film also stars Anthony Burrell as Kyle and Blake Young-Fountain as Sebastian. Of course, we also have the obligatory fag hag with Langston (Shanika Warren-Markland), who also serves up a significant amount of the film's humor.
I myself have an appreciation for The Skinny, though it's hard not to wonder how its message-tinged dramedy will play with its target audience. With an abundance of sensuality, crossover potential is minimal and Polk seems quite comfortable with remaining faithful to his artistic vision for the film.
For more information on The Skinny, visit the film's page on the Breaking Glass Pictures website linked in the credits on the left.
© Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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