Joseph Jeavons, Hank Holbrook, Calvin Lewis, Beckett Nichols, Sam Teague, Howard May, Savannah Wells, Anna Winslow
Joseph Jeavons
Joseph Jeavons, Owen Swift
22 Mins.
Movie Review: Wrists Tied
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Melvin (Beckett Nichols) has a week to get the money he needs to start up his dream business. With no easy prospects on the horizon, he's forced to choose between doing this the right way or the fast way.
Wrists Tied is the latest short film from up-and-coming student filmmaker Joseph Jeavons, co-writer/director here along with being a key figure in the film's small but fun ensemble. At 22 minutes, Wrists Tied is probably the most ambitious of the three Jeavons films I've caught and, as such, it also likely has the most issues in terms of doing a major reveal that it's an ultra-low budget indie.
Is that a bad thing? Of course not. It's just something of which to be aware. If you're expecting studio quality filmmaking here, look elsewhere. If you're looking for solid storytelling from a filmmaker still figuring things out then you should be absolutely happy with this fun little story, engaging characters, and microcinema spirit.
Jeavons seems to have a small cinematic team with which he's comfortable working with initially and their camaraderie shows. Beckett Nichols is an earnest blast, not to be confused with an Ernest T. Bass, as Melvin and functions as the film's energy and heart. Calvin Lewis is also inspired as Leg Hair Nelson - don't ask, just watch. Jeavons himself is also comfortable on-screen and shines as Patrick alongside Hank Holbrook's Doug.
There's definitely more going on in this short film, though Sam Teague's lensing nicely captures the film's interpersonal storytelling and comic moments. Original music by Cathal Mayfield and Owen Swift also complements the film quite nicely.
With his first feature film on the horizon, it'll be interesting to see just where Jeavons goes from here as he continues to grow and expand as a filmmaker.
Written by Richard Propes
The Independent Critic
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